The attitudes between white men and women towards preserving America’s demographics are not grossly disparate.
Nihilism and apathy rather than anti-white indoctrination may be the greatest barrier to mobilizing the youth.
By David Zsutty
The Homeland Institute’s second poll on the Great Replacement garnered a lot of attention.[1] In fact, it received over forty-four thousand views on Telegram alone.
The answers we found prompted further questions. For example, several people expressed an interest in how the answers broke down by sex and age, especially regarding the question of support or opposition to preserving America’s white majority. We decided to do a follow up report to address the two most common questions we received: How did support for preserving the white majority break down for sex and age?
When asked “If you support preserving the white majority in America, how important of a political issue is it to you?” we found that the difference between men and women was not grossly disparate.
Respondents could answer “the most important,” “very important,” “somewhat important,” “I don’t know,” “I neither support not oppose preserving the white majority in America” and “I oppose preserving the white majority in America.”
The percentage of men who felt that preserving the white majority in America was at least somewhat important was 36.6%, compared to 28.9% of women. 20.0% of men oppose preserving the white majority in America, versus 25.9% of women. 7.6% of men answered they “don’t know,” as did 10.6% of women. Almost the same percent of men and women answered that they neither support nor oppose preserving the white majority.
Ultimately, men are indeed more inclined to be concerned about demographic decline than women, and women are more likely to actively support the replacement of whites. But the difference is nowhere as near as stark as one might expect, at least given certain online discourse which at times vehemently denigrates white women.
This, combined with how a Pew Research poll in 2017 found that 12% of white men were in an interracial marriage as opposed to 10% of white women, strongly suggests that embittered anti-white woman narratives do not accurately reflect reality.[2] At best, they exaggerate anti-white tendencies among white women.
While there is certainly a gap between white men and women in demographic attitudes, it is not an insurmountable rift. This should come as encouraging news to young white men who are worried that they may not be able to find a suitable wife.
Next, we broke down the results for the same question of “If you support preserving the white majority in America, how important of a political issue is it to you?” by age cohort. There were not enough 65 plus respondents to speak confidently about them. However, we can still review the other age cohorts.
The number of those for whom preserving the white majority was at least slightly important fell somewhat with age from 35.6% among those 45-64, to 33.8% among those 30-44, to 29.8% among those 18-29. Interestingly, the number of those who actively oppose preserving the white majority dipped with generation z. 23.1% of the 45-64 bracket and 23.9% of the 30-44 bracket were in opposition, but only 18.1% of the 18-29 bracket.
Only 9 out of 154 Republicans across all age brackets were in opposition, which makes them difficult to analyze. But youth strongly correlated with a decline in anti-white attitudes among Independents. And it precipitously dropped off among white Democrats from 54.5% of Democrats 45-64 to 45.3% of Democrats 30-44 to 26.5% of Zoomer Democrats.
Among the youth, the number of those who neither oppose nor support preserving white demographics rose from 32.2% among the 45-64 bracket to 33.8% of the 30-44 bracket and then jumped to 39.4% of the 18-29 bracket.
These numbers strongly suggest that the greatest obstacle in reaching the white youth probably isn’t anti-white indoctrination but rather nihilism, irony, and apathy. Perhaps a good strategy would be to explain to the youth that try as hard as they might to ignore politics, politics is not going to ignore them. Every anti-white tragedy is a bitter lesson of this truth.
Yet nihilism is a double-edged sword: why should anti-racism, globalism, and diversity be sacred cows when nothing else is sacred? When are the Marxist deconstructors going to finally deconstruct themselves? It is also hard to blame the Zoomers for being nihilistic given the state of society, and especially after the culture wars and 2020.
While it is possible to lean into nihilism, it may be an even better strategy to give the Zoomers something affirmative and inspirational to believe in. It is doubtful that the mainstream GOP party platform will ever accomplish this. But those who are willing to entertain more radical ideas certainly might.
Part of the demographic war on whites is sowing division along various fault lines such as class, gender, and age. Another aspect is demoralizing the youth and sabotaging family formation. Despite such efforts, however, whites are more unified across the sexes and age cohorts than one might expect on questions of preserving the white majority.
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