Greg Johnson and guest co-host Pox Populi welcomed David Zsutty of the Homeland Institute on the first half of last weekend’s Counter-Currents Radio broadcast to talk about the Institute’s history so far, as well as its purpose and goals. The broadcast is now available for download and online listening here:
Topics discussed include:
00:00:47 What is the Homeland Institute?
00:03:56 White Nationalists spend too much time commenting on news made by others
00:05:20 The power of conducting our own polls and studies
00:08:16 The history of the Homeland Institute so far
00:12:52 The results of the Institute’s first poll: Is being accused of being “woke” worse than being accused of being “racist”?
00:22:51 How data can paint narratives
00:26:29 Groypers: room for improvement
00:34:44 You can’t create anything with nihilism and irony
00:38:01 On the Left’s assumption that “reality has a Leftist bias”
00:41:53 The Homeland Institute’s future plans
00:47:55 Are there plans of expanding the Institute into Europe?
00:53:06 How wise is it to pander for the black vote?
00:57:20 Will the Institute aim to propose actual policy?
01:04:50 Let’s make doxing backfire
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