The Homeland Institute is now raising funds for 2025. Our goal is $100,000. We have already received $20,000 of that sum. Thus we have $80,000 to go. Full information on how to give appears below.
The Homeland Institute has been active for a year and a half now on a shoestring budget. In fact, our Executive Director, David Zsutty, has been running Homeland as a volunteer, so that all of our money can be spent on research.
David Zsutty has a BA in political science from University of California San Diego. He then served six years in US Airforce intelligence as an airborne Spanish linguist. After that, he earned a degree at the Chapman School of Law. While in law school, he was an Identity Evropa activist and chapter leader and was doxed by antifa. After completing law school, he practiced law in Orange County. Despite all these qualifications, however, we had nothing to pay him. But he took on the project for free in the hope of building Homeland into a fully staffed and functioning policy institute.
David Zsutty has accomplished quite a lot since the Homeland Institute officially launched on May 25, 2023.
Homeland has focused thus far on polling because it is a relatively inexpensive form of research. We have now conducted eleven original online polls using standard industry methods.
1. August, 2023: Many politicians and businessmen live in terror of the charge of “racism.” But the Bud Light and Target boycotts indicate that the charge of “wokeness” is also destructive. This creates an opportunity for the Right to push back against the Left. Thus we measured the danger of the charges of “wokeness” and “racism.” We discovered that “wokeness” is also 70% as destructive of a business as “racism.” We also found that among Republican voters, “wokeness” was twice as damaging to a politician as “racism.” Indeed, we found that 7.2% of white Republican respondents were more likely to vote for a political candidate accused of racism.
2. September, 2023: Most white Republicans at least slightly agree with the Great Replacement theory. This represents enormous progress, for the idea of the Great Replacement was marginal even in White Nationalist spheres for years after it was coined in 2011. Now it is a mainstream Republican belief.
3. December, 2023: In exploring National Divorce and balkanization, we found that two thirds of white Democrats think that there is a political candidate or party too dangerous to be allowed to take power. A quarter of respondents agreed at least a little with the concept of a National Divorce.
4. January, 2024: Over two thirds of respondents oppose direct military intervention in the Gaza crisis with boots on the ground or airstrikes.
5. February, 2024: Despite Charlie Kirk demolishing elements of Martin Luther King hagiography, respondents overwhelmingly need more education on the truth about MLK and the Civil Rights movement.
6. April, 2024: The vast majority of respondents plan on having two or fewer children, which is below replacement level. However, white Republicans and Independents who were more likely to support a candidate with pro-natalist policies outnumbered those who were less likely.
7. June, 2024: In exploring immigration and repatriation we found that 55.1% of all respondents and 85.6% of Republicans support deporting all or almost all illegal immigrants. 48.7% of Republicans, 28.9% of Independents, and even 7.4% of Democrats would oppose immigration if it were changing the racial demographics of the US.
8. July, 2024: In a swift reaction to Trump proposing to give green cards to foreign-born college graduates, we found we were able to reduce support for this proposal by about 10% across party lines through exposing respondents to a few simple statements over the course of a short poll. We found that pointing out that taxpayers would directly and indirectly fund these foreign students and that they would present a national security risk to be the most persuasive arguments.
9. August, 2024: Doxing and loss of employment are major threats to white identity politics. Thus we polled the public on their attitude toward doxing and firing people for their political beliefs. Almost two thirds of white voters would support a law making it illegal for an employer to fire an employee for exercising a Constitutionally protected right while off duty. Almost half of white voters are less likely to support a business if it fires an employee due to pressure from the Left.
10. September, 2024: Republicans walk on eggshells to please single-issue pro-life and pro-gun voters, even though these positions are intensely opposed by Democrats and even some Republicans. We wanted to know what percentage of white Republican voters self-identify as single-issue anti-immigration voters. We discovered that 60.2% of white Republicans identify as single-issue anti-immigration voters, as opposed to single-issue pro-life (39.5%) or pro-gun (48.1%) voters. Among Independents, single-issue anti-immigration voters outnumbered pro-immigration voters 32.9% to 7.2%. Moreover, among Democrats, single-issue anti-immigration voters number 12.7%. Finally, single-issue pro-immigration voters were far fewer in number: 24.1% of Democrats, 7.2% of Independents, and 1.9% of Republicans, meaning that strong anti-immigration stances by Republicans would face much weaker opposition than pro-life and pro-gun policies. This is probably our most important poll, because it shows that a bloc of single-issue white voters—Republican, Independent, and Democrat—could outperform the dreaded pro-life and pro-gun lobbies if properly mobilized.
11. November, 2024: In addition to repeating last year’s questions on the Great Replacement to track how public opinion is evolving, this poll also explores support for Donald Trump’s vow to use the military for mass deportations and to end birthright citizenship, along with support for other policies that synergize with Trump’s immigration agenda.
David Zsutty has also done a number of other important tasks for the Homeland Institute.
1. He has given fourteen interviews to promote the Homeland Institute. In particular, he has made frequent appearances on James Edwards’s The Political Cesspool.
2. He has managed social media accounts for Homeland on X/Twitter and Telegram.
3. He has designed shareable infographics which highlight key poll findings.
4. In addition to detailed reports on our ten polls, he has published eleven other articles. Some highlights are a rebuttal to Ilya Somin’s review of Christopher Zurn’s Splitesville USA, concrete and detailed articles about what Texas and California would look like as independent nations, a critique of the myth of federal funding which is used as a counter-argument to National Divorce, and a critique of the widespread belief that legal immigration is good.
5. He has spoken seven times at gatherings in the United States and Europe. He applied his polling and data analysis skills to a non-Homeland Institute project, the Counter-Currents’ internal poll of the movement. We created this massive survey of 115 questions to better understand our readers to better cater to their needs and, most importantly, to improve our outreach to like-minded people.
What will the Homeland Institute do in the future? We will continue polling, but we would also like to grow into publishing policy studies and books, producing instructional videos and audios, and sponsoring essay competitions and summer schools to educate high school and college students about our ideas and issues.
But all of this is contingent on funding.
Moreover, we need to start paying David Zsutty. He won’t be doing this for free forever.
Please give generously, and please give today.
The Homeland Institute is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit. Donations are tax-deductible.
The easiest way to make payment is with credit card to this Stripe link:
Cash, Check, or Money Order to:
The Homeland Institute
PO Box 746
Berkeley Springs, WV 25411
Zelle: [email protected]
For credit card, e-check, or bank transfers, please contact Cyan Quinn [email protected].
For estate planning, please contact Greg Johnson at [email protected].
Thank you for your time and support.
Greg Johnson, Ph.D.
Founder and President
Remigration Conference in Spain
So Long as They Replace Us Legally
Texas Doesn’t Need Federal Money: Deconstructing the Myth of Federal Funding
New Nations: California
Korean Capitalism and Prussian Socialism
Why Texas Is in the Right in the Border Showdown
New Nations: The Republic of Texas
Ilya Somin’s Review of Splitsville USA: A Rebuttal
Stay in touch by signing up to our newsletter!
The Homeland Institute is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational corporation.
Donations are deductible from US federal income taxes.